Saturday 31 March 2012

Progress, or not...!

So far I have been trying to learn from all the great journaling artists I have 'seen' on Moira Richardson's Weekly Art Date. I think Moira is setting up a really good course. I am trying hard and hope to post a journal page soon, though I haven't had the courage yet. But, I really think I am making some progress.
It's lovely, also, reading the comments and experiences of "my colleagues".
Thank you for the encouragement so far.
 Well, there has not been much opportunity for playing with my art journal. I'm very disorganised and suppose that I will have to make a plan for when I come over to England again. 
I have signed up for a whole year with Moira Richardson's workshop and have done nothing other than read the posts and check from prompts and other art ideas but am all behind.
I'll have to catch up from the middle of April onwards.
I'm writing these words in order to keep focused.
Meantime, I'm going to try to upload a photo or two. 
This is a photo of me and my sister in Portugal-