Monday 22 October 2012

 "Light griefs are loquacious but great ones are dumb"

Earlier efforts for 2012.

Grief and how to express it, or not, and how it affects one .

Memories of an autumn trip in Portugal.

And, the New Year to remember.

Friday 19 October 2012

So, it came out on top. How did I do that? Oh, well...

I have been having great fun with the artjournaling, but am not getting much better I'm afraid.
I need to have plenty of time and be alone, which is all right since I am on my own quite  a lot.
It's this blogging that I need a tutorial for. Must look for one and really learn.
For today, this is it

 After ages of inactivity, I'm going to try to bring my blog up to date. This is only  a first attempt at uploading  a picture from my computer. Here goes:

Saturday 31 March 2012

Progress, or not...!

So far I have been trying to learn from all the great journaling artists I have 'seen' on Moira Richardson's Weekly Art Date. I think Moira is setting up a really good course. I am trying hard and hope to post a journal page soon, though I haven't had the courage yet. But, I really think I am making some progress.
It's lovely, also, reading the comments and experiences of "my colleagues".
Thank you for the encouragement so far.
 Well, there has not been much opportunity for playing with my art journal. I'm very disorganised and suppose that I will have to make a plan for when I come over to England again. 
I have signed up for a whole year with Moira Richardson's workshop and have done nothing other than read the posts and check from prompts and other art ideas but am all behind.
I'll have to catch up from the middle of April onwards.
I'm writing these words in order to keep focused.
Meantime, I'm going to try to upload a photo or two. 
This is a photo of me and my sister in Portugal-

Thursday 16 February 2012

I'm just trying to get the hang of this blogging business...
These two pages were done while staying in center Portugal with my sister.
I used some leaves of her olive and fig trees. The wind turbines on the top of the hill are not very clear here, but there are five of them on this hill.
The herbs, well, they are part of my sister's harvest!!


Thursday 26 January 2012

Well, this is my first blog on this site. I have signed up for the Weekly Art Date and am trying to get the hang of it. I'm having some trouble (being a bit dumb on the internet, I suppose) in following the course. I keep logging in to last year's posts and work. So, I need to know exactly which link to use to get into this year's work.
I guess I'll find out how it goes - I'm nothing if not persistent!
About my own attempts at artjournaling, I am a (very) beginner and am trying out all sorts of things. Up to now it seems I have mainly being buying art supplies, while telling myself that I can use up all sorts of bits and pieces I have stashed away in my drawers and boxes. This I must try to refrain from and just make sure, to start with, I have the main necessities.
I am presently living in England (temporarily) so have had to buy more stuff.
To wit:  Gesso primer (Reeves)
        Artists' Acrylic Matt Medium (Winsor & Newton)
        A variety of Sharpie pens
        6 Derwent Inkintense pencils
        Various glues
        A variety of acrylic and water colour paint brushes.  

 and not much else, except paper, of course: a moleskin sketch boook and some watercolour paper I bought and intend to make into a journal myself - see how that goes!
The picture is of my Christmas- time effort!!